Installation Request Detail
Request Details
Sales Person RS
Request No Request Type Request Date Installation Date Installation Time Request Status Model Lane No of Machine
459 Installation 2/9/2017 8:42:45 AM 2/13/2017 9:30 AM Completed Others 4 1
Customer Details
Customer Name Address No of Employee Per Day Cup Drink Size Contact Person Contact Number 15 A Socket Rigid Base Earthing Water Bottle
HDFC Bank Ramanath House Yusuf Sarai new Delhi 40 100 100 Sunil 8447702718 green_check green_check green_check green_check
Form (B) - CompletionForm
Added By On Dated Comment
Sales 2/9/2017 8:42:46 AM Please add in gtm
ASM 2/9/2017 9:29:27 AM
TechnicalExecutive 2/9/2017 9:50:09 AM