Machine Order Detail
Order Details
Sales Person ASM RS Order No Order Date Order Type Order Status
Sandeep Biswas Vijahat Khan STRATON BUSINESS SOLUTIONS PVT LTD 229 1/27/2017 5:58:05 PM RS Received
Invoice No Invoice Date PR Number PR Date PO Number PO Date PO Amount
1523 2/7/2017 12:00:00 AM NOT APPLICABLE 2/11/2017 12:00:00 AM NOT APPLICABLE 2/11/2017 12:00:00 AM 0
Customer Details
Customer Name Address No of Employee Per Day Cup Drink Size Contact Person Contact Number 15 A Socket Rigid Base Earthing Water Bottle
RS Godown 1-4-879/62/B Bank Colony Gandhi Nagar Hyderabad-80 1000 250 80 Krishna 9985911175 green_check green_check green_check green_check
Machine Details
Model Lane Machine Type Order Qty. Del. Qty. Unit Rate Sub Tot. Amt.
Zenith 4 Pump 15 15 19600 294000
Tax Amt. (2 %) 5880
Trans. Cost 9830
Total Amt. 309710
Courier Details
Courier Name Courier LR Number Dispatch Date
S R YASHWANTH TRANSPORT 098 2/10/2017 12:00:00 AM
Commercial Related
Deposit Amount Receipt Of Agreement Receipt Of Annexure
cross_sign cross_sign cross_sign
Cheque/DD Number Bank Name Cheque/DD Amount Cheque/DD Date
Added By On Dated Comment
Sales 1/27/2017 5:58:05 PM RS will be purchasing the machines
ASM 1/27/2017 6:41:52 PM
TechnicalExecutive 1/28/2017 5:14:33 PM