Machine Order Detail
Order Details
Sales Person ASM RS Order No Order Date Order Type Order Status
Sheby Koshy Vijahat Khan Hindustan Unilever Ltd 159 12/24/2016 10:07:05 PM RentAlpha Rejected
Invoice No Invoice Date PR Number PR Date PO Number PO Date PO Amount
Customer Details
Customer Name Address No of Employee Per Day Cup Drink Size Contact Person Contact Number 15 A Socket Rigid Base Earthing Water Bottle
HCL Technologies Limited : Bangalore HCL Technologies Limited : Bangalore 10180 14200 100 Sharmila Shetty 9538533144 green_check green_check green_check green_check
Machine Details
Model Lane Machine Type Order Qty. Del. Qty. Unit Rate Sub Tot. Amt.
FTCM FM Pump 53 0 0 0
Tax Amt. (0 %) 0
Trans. Cost
Total Amt. 0
Courier Details
Courier Name Courier LR Number Dispatch Date
Commercial Related
Deposit Amount Receipt Of Agreement Receipt Of Annexure
cross_sign cross_sign cross_sign
Cheque/DD Number Bank Name Cheque/DD Amount Cheque/DD Date
Not Filled
Not filled
Added By On Dated Comment
Sales 12/24/2016 10:07:05 PM Bangalore 10 locations.
ASM 12/24/2016 10:09:23 PM
MarketingManager 12/28/2016 12:42:16 PM Machine need to dispatch with Taj branding and blue door
Commercial 3/25/2017 10:07:21 AM